Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Teenage troubles and how to deal with them!

Teenagers sometimes get a hard rap for their sulking, sleeping in and bad attitudes. This tip from our friends at Parenting magazing could be useful to help you manage your teen in the right way:

What’s going on inside?

It goes with the territory that as kids enter their teenage years they’re developing their independence, identity, and ‘separateness’ from their parents. This is a good and necessary part of growing up. Don’t be tempted though, despite what your child seems to want, to withdraw from their emotional world too soon.

You can be caring and connected without being over-involved. There are pressures and challenges facing your teen that they may not yet be equipped to handle, but if they trust you to honour their growing independence you’re more likely to be allowed into their world and to offer support when things get tough.

If you care for a teenager a little bit of space and patience might go a long way!

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