Monday, 18 October 2010

New website launch

We're really excited about the soft launch our new UK site, and we're looking forward to rolling out the NZ and Australian versions soon! We're always looking for feedback on our services so please let us know how you feel about the site- good or bad we'd like to hear. You can use the poll below or send us an email at

We've got lots of plans to provide you all with quality information through the new site so keep an eye out here for more developments over the coming weeks. And if you think you have something to offer the KiwiOz community do get in touch, as we're looking for as much contribution from our families and nannies as possible.

We're also interested in your feedback about the service you have received from KiwiOz in the past. If you've had a great experience why not let us know how our business has made a difference to you. If you'd like a new product or service let us know and we'll see what we can do.

In the meantime, we hope you find the site easy to use and informative!

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