I read a great article in Parenting magazine which is relevant to all and made me think about how I was going about my day!
It discussed how easy it is to be grumpy with your family/ those around you on a daily basis and how good it would be to ask yourself 'how much fun am I to be around.'
I think it's true that the mood of the children often reflect the mood of the adult and as the article points out 'grumbling and moaning, growling and eye rolling don't inspire children.' They suggested some excellent ways make a great start to your day which will energise and inspire the children and send off on their day in a secure, positive mood:
start the day with:
- a warm greeting
- a special treat in the cereal
- a note on the mirror that tells them to have an awesome day
- a generous hug and the words 'I'm just so fortunate to be your mum/ dad'
One of the Mum's I used to nanny for would often put a little note in her son's lunchbox which he LOVED! It was a little surprise just between the two of them and I always used to notice how happy he was when mum got home on those days.
Please let us know if you try any of these tricks with your children/ charges and how it goes!
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