Are you up with the latest news and resources available to nannies and families at the moment? 2012 has been another busy year in the 'nanny world.'
To me it seems that the industry is becoming more professional every year, with more and more fabulous resources available to help nannies and parents do a great job. Here are my picks of the 'best of' 2012:
In the news:
Childcare has as ever been a hot topic with much debate about funding for nannies in Australia and a tax clampdown on under the table nannies working in the UK. In the US the importance of using the right agency was highlighted with this article on babysitting websites not completing background screening. In Canada the topic of nannies getting caught up in divorces was an interesting read.
Nanny diaries, family/ nanny manuals, and childcare e-courses
KiwiOz has released what are already proving to be very popular nanny hiring manuals, nanny diaries and family/ nanny getting started manuals. Every nanny should be using tools like these so if you don't have this in your home get yours now! Our popular childcare e-courses are great low cost ways to keep your nanny skills up to date.
Finally nannies have a place to go to meet other nannies! Café Nanny members can organise meet ups and meet other local nannies through a secure and private network. Also provides a range of exciting professional development resources.
National Nanny Training Day and more from the US
I have to say the US is leading the charge with some fantastic events and resources for nannies. This year they held a National Nanny Training day with many agencies participating and organising courses. What a fantastic idea! I also love the resources, advice and podcasts coming through from Nannypoolza and Nanny Biz Reviews- fabulous supporter of all things nanny!
BAPN- British Association of Professional Nannies
I've watched the development of the BAPN with interest this year. These guys are doing a top job at representing British nannies and offering training and workshops. Well done!
Australian Nanny Association
Nannies and Agencies in Australia will soon be welcomed to join the newly formed Australian Nanny Association. Members will abide by codes of professional conduct and enjoy support and advice from this professional network.
Childcare and nanny magazines
Two of note that have been released this year- Nanny Nest (Australia) and Home Childcarer (UK) are both great reads.
Do you know any other fab resources that I haven't mentioned here? Please share below!
Rachel @ KiwiOz Nanny Agency Sydney
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